Please find enclosed a Baptismal Form, for you to complete, and return to St. Paul's Parish via email or St Oliver Plunkett’s Parish Booking will be confirmed when we receive the completed form attached.
Baptisms are celebrated at St. Paul's Church, on Sundays, at 12.00 pm.
Baptisms are celebrated at St Oliver’s Church, on Saturdays, at 12.00 pm.
Once you have completed the enclosed form, you can then attend one of the following Baptism Preparation meetings, if you are baptizing your child for the first time.
Baptism Preparation meetings take place on the third Thursday of every month at 7.30 pm at the St Oliver Plunkett Parish Centre, 1 Landells Rd, Pascoe Vale. In 2024; 16th May, 20th June, 18th July, 15th August, 19th September, 17th Oct, 21st Nov 2024.
Preferably, all godparents are catholic; according to Church Law (Canon Law) at least one godparent has to be a confirmed catholic, if the other godparent is from other Christian denomination. They are not to be less than sixteen years of age.
In the case of parents wishing to baptize their child at St Paul's or St Oliver’s, but are residing in another parish, a written approval from the parish priest of the other parish has to be presented with the Baptismal Form. Church Law states that after six months that a catholic has taken up residence, the parish in that territory becomes his parish; so a written approval from the parish priest is needed.
A Certificate of Baptism will be given to the parents after the celebration of Baptism.
A donation of $100 to the church is greatly appreciated via cash or direct deposit.
Bank Details:
St Oliver’s Presbytery Account
BSB: 083-347
Account: 5310 20158.
Looking forward to meeting you both,
Yours in Christ,
Fr. James Puppady
(Parish Priest)
Form (